









EN 13637:2015 Building hardware — Electrically controlled exit systems for use on escape routes — Requirements and test methods建筑五金-逃生路线上使用的电控出口系统。要求和试验方法


This European Standard specifies requirements for performance and testing of electrically controlled exit systems, specifically designed for use in an emergency or panic situation on escape routes. 本欧洲标准规定了专门设计用于紧急或恐慌情况下逃生路线的电控出口系统的性能和测试要求。

This European Standard covers electrically controlled exit systems that are either manufactured and placed on the market in their entirety by one manufacturer or assembled from sub-assemblies produced by more than one manufacturer and subsequently placed on the market as a kit in a single transaction. 该欧洲标准涵盖了电控出口系统,这些系统要么是由一个制造商制造并全部投放市场,要么是由多个制造商生产的组件组装而成,然后在一次交易中作为套件投放市场。

These electrically controlled exit systems consist of at least the following elements, separated or combined: 这些电控出口系统至少由以下独立或组合的元件组成:

—  initiating element for requesting the release of electrical locking element in order to exit; 用于请求释放电锁元件以退出的启动元件;

—  electrical locking element for securing an exit door; 用于固定出口门的电气锁紧元件;

—  electrical controlling element for supplying, connecting and controlling electrical locking

element and initiating element; 电气控制元件,用于供电、连接和控制电气锁定元件和起动元件;

—  in addition, these electrically controlled exit systems can include time delay and/or denied exit mode. 此外,这些电控退出系统可以包括时间延迟和/或拒绝退出模式。


The Products covered by this standard are intended to be used for doors on escape routes, on either fire or non-fire rated door assemblies. 本标准所涵盖的产品用于逃生通道的门,防火或非防火级别的门组件。


Examples of Products covered by this European Standard: 本欧洲标准涵盖的产品示例:

—  electrically controlled exit systems designed to be used in emergency situations, where people are familiar with the exit and its hardware; 电控出口系统设计用于紧急情况,人们熟悉出口及其硬件;

—  electrically controlled exit systems designed to be used in panic situations, where people are not always familiar with the exit and its hardware; 电控出口系统设计用于恐慌情况,在这种情况下,人们并不总是熟悉出口及其硬件;

—  electrically controlled exit systems for use on hinged or pivoted door leaves only; 仅适用于铰链或枢轴门的电动出口系统;

—  a range of electrically controlled exit systems including those for use on double doorsets; 一系列电控出口系统,包括用于双开门装置的系统;

—  the exceptional case of electrically controlled exit systems intended for use on single leaf inwardly opening exit doors. It is assumed throughout this European Standard that exit doors generally open towards the outside in order to ensure safe escape. However, there are cases such as hospital or hotel bedroom doors, classroom doors, etc. where building authorities allow, by way of exception, the exit door to open against the direction of exit; 用于单叶片内开出口的电控出口系统的例外情况。在整个欧洲标准中,假定出口门通常向外打开,以确保安全逃生。但是,在有些情况下,如医院或酒店的卧室门、教室门等,建筑当局例外地允许出口门朝出口方向打开;





5.2 Tests for Ability to Release

5.2.1 Test for number of operations to release

5.2.2 Test for operation of initiating element

5.2.3 Release function test - Input signal from the Alarm system such as an alarm

system (sample A)

5.2.4 Tests for resetting conditions

5.2.5 Test for operating element

5.2.6 Test of fail safe function and failure of liaison and transmission paths, and release force test of initiating element (Sample A)

5.2.7 Release force test - Door not under pressure (Sample A)

5.2.8 Release force test - Door under pressure (Sample A)

5.2.9 Release from the Initiating element

5.2.10 Release tests after power supply failure (Sample A)

5.2.11 Verification of dimensions and design

5.2.12 Verification of Door mass and door dimensions

5.2.13 Verification of keepers

5.2.14 Verification of Initiating element with cover

5.2.15 Test for finger trapping

5.2.16 Verification of pictograms

5.2.17 Release test according to time delay (Sample A)

5.2.18 Central Management Control Tests

5.2.19 Outside Access Device

5.2.20 Security tests (Sample A)

5.3 Tests for self-closing ability C (Sample A)

5.4 Tests for Suitability for use on fire and smoke doors (Samples D and E) .

5.5 Control of Dangerous substances 

5.6 Tests for the Durability of ability to release and ability to self-closing (Sample A)

5.6.1 General .

5.6.2 Abuse resistance test of electrical locking element

5.6.3 Abuse resistance test of initiating element

5.6.4 Abuse resistance of electrically lockable operating element

5.6.5 Temperature test (Sample B)

5.6.6 Corrosion test (Sample B)

5.6.7 Dry heat test (Sample B).

5.6.8 Cold test (Sample B) .

5.6.9 Damp heat cyclic test (12h + 12h) (Sample B)

5.6.10 Impact test (Sample B)

5.6.11 Supply voltage variations test (Sample B)

5.6.12 Electrical hazards safety tests (Sample B)

5.6.13 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests (Sample B)

5.6.14 (IP)Protection against solid foreign objects and ingress of water and dust test

(Sample B)







逃生路线上使用的电控出口系统CE认证解读-EN 13637:2015